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Prince Edwin Lodge No. 486

Prince Edwin Lodge No. 486 was duly constituted by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania on March 27, 1871. Prince Edwin originally was a “Moon Lodge”, you see over 100 years ago when the roads were not well lit or paved, it required men to travel by the light of the moon. Therefore Prince Edwin met on the date of the month of the Full Moon and sometimes met twice in one month when there was a second full moon in that same month. On January 11, 1937 the By-Laws of the Lodge were officially changed to meet the 3rd Monday of every month; at this time the light of the moon was not required to travel to and from the lodge meetings.

The Lodge initially met in the Washington House and later moved to Peter’s Hall (West Ann St) in 1880 due to “exorbitant rent” of $25.00/year. In November, 1893 the Lodge relocated to the National Bank Building on Union & Brown Streets where it remained for over 75 years. In 1971 the Lodge relocated to the old school build on West Emaus St. The members of the Lodge, tour down the existing building and built the Masonic Temple where the Fraternity resides today.

Spring Creek Lodge No. 802

On Saturday, November 7, 1964 the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania held a meeting in the Zembo Mosque for the Consecration and the Constitution of Spring Creek Lodge No. 802, 305 masons were in attendance including the Grand Master and many other officers. Forty seven men, from Masonic Lodges in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Germany, Illinois, Iowa, New York and Ohio became the Warrant Members of the new Lodge. The cost of the Regalia and other items necessary to start a new Lodge was $1,872.88.

Over the years, Spring Creek has produced many new Masons, two District Deputy Grand Masters, sponsored the Hershey Chapter of the DeMolay, given support to Bethel 17 Jobs Daughters in Hershey and Pilgrim Chapter DeMolay in Harrisburg. Through the generosity of Warrant Brother Ralph Hoar, Spring Creek Lodge was able to establish college scholarships for Masonic and non Masonic college students alike.

But, as time wore on, Spring Creek Lodge found itself with a need for qualified men to take Offices. Work schedules and lack of commitment by todays men took their toll. Two Brothers, who were some of the last life blood of Spring Creek Lodge, started looking to the future. They decided to look at the Lodges meeting in the surrounding area to see which one could best be served from what Spring Creek had to offer, namely the benefit of the wealth given by Brother Hoar and a few good men still willing to work for the fraternity.

After a discussion with Brother Noble P. Johnson, District Deputy Grand Master of the 60th Masonic District it was agreed upon to seek the help of Brother Kenneth Beard, District Deputy Grand Master of the 2nd Masonic District as his district was close to Spring Creek Lodge. It was determined that Prince Edwin Lodge No. 486 in Middletown may best be helped by a merger and permission to discuss it with them was given. After many meetings and debates it was agreed that Spring Creek Lodge No. 802 meeting in Hershey would merge into and with Prince Edwin Lodge No 486, meeting in Middletown and form Prince Edwin-Spring Creek Lodge No. 486 meeting in Middletown, PA.

Prince Edwin-Spring Creek Lodge No. 486

In December 27, 2008, Prince Edwin Lodge No. 486 merged with Spring Creek Lodge No. 802 to become

Prince Edwin-Spring Creek Lodge No. 486.